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Camino a casa: Day of the Dead

September 25 – December 13, 2009

The NMMA’s 23rd annual Día de Muertos exhibition featuring more than 20 artists from Mexico and the U.S., a special ofrenda created for Arturo Velasquez Sr. (1915-2009) and an ofrenda created by the acclaimed author Sandra Cisneros as a tribute to her parents.

Participating Artists

Castillo Family, Demetrio Aguilar, Josefina Aguilar, Rogelio Alonzo Espinoza, Daniel Camacho, Marcial Camilo Ayala, Jose Chavez, Rogelio Alonso Espinoza, Francisco Garcia Aguilar, Salvador Jimenez, Carlo Magno, Alejandro Nelo, Marcos Raya, Alex Rubio, Jesus “Chucho” Rodríguez, Rudy Royval, John Salhus/Ghost Bikes, Pablo Serrano, Roberto Valadez, Juan Javier and Gabrielle Pescador


Velasquez Family Ofrenda, Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares México, Museo de Arte e Industrias Populares de Pátzcuaro, Maria Vazquez Boyd and Guadalupe Center, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-ESECH, Orozco Elementary Fine Arts & Sciences School, Lázaro Cárdenas Elementary School, Elvira Cisneros Family, Jesus “Chucho” Rodríguez, Salvador Jimenez, John Salhus, and Alejandro Nelo.


National Museum of Mexican Art Education Department

Organizing Institution

National Museum of Mexican Art

Displayed at

Main Gallery