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Chaz Bojórquez, From the Streets to the Cloud

November 9, 2012 – June 30, 2013

Chaz Bojórquez (b.1949, Los Angeles) is recognized as a pioneer in the U.S. street art movement by his iconic skeletal stencil of Senor Suerte created in 1969. He has taken influence from the proud and historic style of "cholo" writing used around his neighborhood, thus developing a style of his own. His formative studies were Chinese calligraphy under Master Yun Chung Chiang, ancient Mesoamerican Art at the University of Guadalajara, as well as painting, ceramics and sculpture at the Chouinard Art Institute. His artwork and voice on intellectualized graffiti continues to draw and inspire an international urban identity that informs today's global street art community.

Participating Artists

Chaz Bojórquez


Cesáreo Moreno

Organizing Institution

National Museum of Mexican Art

Displayed at

National Museum of Mexican Art Rubin & Paula Torres Gallery