Día de Muertos, : Where the Past Is Present
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Since the Mesoamerican era, in what is now Mexico, the emphasis on death was an integral part of the culture. Upon the arrival of the Spaniards, Catholic religious rites were mixed with the worldview of the native peoples, which gave way to the celebration of departed loved ones. On November 1, known on the Catholic calendar as All Saints' Day, deceased children are remembered; on November 2, All Souls' Day, adults are celebrated. The return of their souls is joyfully awaited with offerings and home altars.
This year, the exhibition Día de Muertos, Where the Past Is Present, is dedicated to Ray Patlán (1946-2024), a Chicago muralist and painter who died this April. Nearly seventy works from the museum's permanent collection, mostly popular art, are part of this exhibition, which reveals the importance of collective feeling through the creative hands of different generations of popular artists. Art is a reflection of society, and with this celebration, all those who have died from violence are remembered in this exhibition.
Curated by Dolores Mercado
Continue your tour through Day of the Dead in the Courtyard, where you’ll see an installation entitled El Camino de las Almas designed and created by Yollocalli Arts Reach, the youth initiative of the National Museum of Mexican Art. The installation welcomes guests to consider the connection between life and the afterlife, and the celebration of the Day of the Dead. This installation consider the transition of life from the physical to the spiritual world. We also welcome you to participate in our community ofrenda by remembering a loved one with a message, drawing, memory or simply their name.
Mizraim Cárdenas (Michoacán)
Hector Duarte (Chicago)
Alejandro García Nelo (Edo de México)
Fulgencio Lazo (Seattle/Oaxaca)
Paloma Núñez-Regueiro (MI)
FEDECMI/Casas Michoacán, ENES, UNAM Unidad Morelia (Chicago/Michoacán)
Concepción Aguilar
Shaní Alarcón
Jessica Alazraki
Matías Álvarez
René Arceo
Atlan Arceo-Witzl
Gabriel Avalos
Carlos Barberena
Alfonso Castillo Orta (1944 – 2009)
Castillo Orta Family
Martha Angelika Castillo
Alejandro Chávez
Javier Chavira
Luis Enrique Coria
Carlos Cortéz (1923 - 2005)
Hugo Crosthwaite
José Antonio de la Cruz
Álvaro de la Cruz López
Andy Cuyito (Andrea Tellez)
Samuel Díaz
Juan de Dios Mora
Sabina Elías Felipe
Roberto Ferreyra
Magentta (Julio César Flores)
Fernanda Fonseca
Leticia García Aguilar
Paula Linares
Flor Garduño
Pity (Fernando Gonzáles)
Marcos González
Julián Guerrero
Jose L. Gutierrez
Ricardo S. Hernandez
Celeste Jaime
Liliana Jemal
Salvador Jiménez
Isaí David Lázaro
Sotero Lemus Gervacio
Linares Family
David Linares G.
Felipe Linares M.
Ricardo Linares G.
Miguel Linares M.
Leonardo Linares V.
Alfredo López
Raúl López Reyes
Celeste de Luna
Otilio G. Marabel
Mari Mariel
Antonia Martínez Albarez
Teodoro Martínez Benito
Yael Martínez
Cuitlahuac Mendoza
Liliana Mendoza
Gilberto Raúl Mendoza
Iván Mendoza
Zaizhi Monfon
Iván Montero
Saulo Moreno Hernández (1933 – 2018)
Nafty (Emilio Muñoz)
Jorge Negrete
Javier Ornelas
Eduardo Oropeza (1927-2003)
Martín Orozco
Pedro Ortega Lozano
Pedro Ortiz Molinares
Ray M. Patlán (1946 – 2024)
Wenka (Wendhy Karol Pérez)
Raúl Pineda Arce
Xochilt Ponce
Pablo Querea
Miguel Quintanar R.
Karin Ramos
Kerstin de Reiset Esquivel
Irma Reyes
Leonardo Rivas
Heidi Rodríguez
Alfonso Alejandro Rosas Zapién
Alejandra Salgado
Juan Eduardo Salinas
Andrea Sánchez
Raúl Sánchez
Sabrina Paola Sánchez
Alejandro Sandoval
Diego Santiago
Antonia Silva Alvarado
Ricardo Solis
Omar Solís
Grecia Solorio
Sharai Soria
Óscar Soteno Elías
José Alfonso Soteno Fernández
Guadalupe Suazo
Giovanni Sukeruton
Trini (Katrien Marie Vangheluwe)
Luis Arturo Vazquez
Alex Velazquez
Hache (Juan H. Vera)
Francisco Villa
Eugenio Villicaña
Carina Yepez
Carlos Zepeda

The Joyce Foundation
Prince Charitable Trust
Chicago Park District
Illinois Arts Council