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“Wish List”: Prints from the Permanent Collection

November 19 – December 22, 1991

One of our main goals of the Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum was to develop a significant permanent collection of Mexican art in the areas of prints, paintings, photographs and folk art. In the year and half before this exhibition, the Museum had received over 300 prints donated by individuals and institutions. These gifts strengthened the Museum’s archive of artworks by Mexican artists of Mexico and the U.S.

Participating Artists

David Alfaro Siqueiros, J. David Anguiano, Raul Belkin, Arnold Castañeda, Alfredo Carrington, Leonora Chavez Morado, José Charlot, Jean Colunga, Alejandro Costa, Olga Cuevas, José Luis Dosamantes, Francisco Gerzo, Gunther Mendoza, Ariel O’Higgins, Pablo Rivera, Diego M. Toledo, y Francisco Xavier Maximino


Permanent Collection Dept. and René H. Arceo

Organizing Institution

Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum

Displayed at

West Wing Gallery