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YO SOY MUSEO New works by Alberto Aguilar

August 9, 2022 – February 26, 2023 Xicágo Gallery
04.10.2020 (Quarantine Regimen), 2020, Courtesy of the Artist

Yo Soy Museo (I Am Museum) includes a series of self-portraits, a wall painting and an installation of objects sourced from the museum's storage, walkways, archives and the Permanent Collection. The title refers to the artist's body as a holder of objects and ideas as well as considering the role of museums and the objects they collect and accumulate. Chicago based artist Alberto Aguilar (b.1974) collaborated with the Museum staff and curators to raise the idea that everyone can be regarded as a museum that collects and preserves objects, information and memories.

“…we are all museums, in that the stuff we accumulate has meaning, and so do our everyday gestures.” -Alberto Aguilar